General Checklist

  • Check Superuser logs for issues
  • Ensure FFMPEG 3 or above is installed

Superuser login can be accessed by navigating to your Shinobi URL followed by the /super suffixs as follows. Where is your Shinobi's access address.

To learn more about how to use the Superuser login visit the Get Started page.

Check your monitor logs

There is a triangle located on the stream window when the montage view is not active. Verify the following with the logs.

  • Username and Password for camera
  • Host and Port
  • Path has the correct Connection URL (Some cameras have multiple)
  • Input Type is correctly chosen


Check the following in your Stream section.

  • Try JPEG as the Stream Type
  • If Stream Type is HLS then ensure that the Encoders are acceptable
  • HLS : For video encoder try libx264 if copy does not work
  • HLS : Audio Encoder is set to AAC or No Audio


Check the following in your Recording section. The recording section will only appear if you have selected Record as the Mode for the camera.

  • If you do not need Audio set Audio Encoder to No Audio
  • Record File Type matches selected encoders
  • MP4 : Video Codec set to copy does not work with all cameras, try libx264
  • MP4 : Audio Codec set to copy does not work with all cameras, try AAC
  • WebM : Video Codec must be libvpx
  • WebM : Audio Codec must be libopus or libvorbis

Still having issues?

Go to the Logging section in the Advanced view of the Monitor Settings window and turn on Save to SQL and set the Log Level to Warning.

Once you have that set you can view saved logs in the Logs window. Post the logs you found in the community chat and wait for assistance.

Got it going but now it's all weird looking?

Check out these articles to help you set up your RTSP cameras.